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Developed by MSP leaders for the MSP & IT firms they led, scaled, and sold!

The Eureka Community is a hub for MSP business leaders and their teams that seek. Get full access to hundreds of proven processes and customizable templates.


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Premium Membership $49.00/month

The price for membership is $49.00 per Month.

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Join the Eureka Community today!

Process Templates

Demystify documentation with proven, customizable, process templates.

In-Depth Guides

Start down a learning path to discover how to scale your MSP or IT firm through process.

Live Consulting

Every second Tuesday of the month, take advantage of a live, member’s only web call.

Discussion Forums

Ask an expert or compete with other members for the title of process champion.

Community Access

Discover the processes and learn at your own pace!

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✔ Monthly Member-Exclusive
Community Conference Calls


✔ Library of over 200 Downloadable AND Customizable Templates


✔ Tailor-made for MSP & IT firms


✔ Guided learning paths with
instructional videos and optional quizzes


✔ Assign your  team courses, remember progress, and compare results!


Membership Information

You have selected the Premium Membership membership level.

Premium Membership $49.00/month

The price for membership is $49.00 per Month.

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Process Consulting

Customized growth solutions from trusted MSP experts

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CAD 1950/mo.

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✔ Community Access for Your Whole Team


✔ Highly Structured, Facilitated, & Actionable Weekly Power Hour Meetings


✔ A Dedicated Consultant that Learns Your Business Inside & Out


✔ Access to a Whole Team of
MSP Business Experts


✔ KPI Reporting, Tracking and Improving
and more…

Strategy Consulting

Hands-on delivery and high level business planning

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CAD 2450/mo.

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✔ Community Access for Your Whole Team


✔ Eureka Launch & Foundations Days


✔ Annual & Quarterly Business
Strategy Planning Sessions


✔ A Specialized Consultant in Leadership & Strategy for MSPs and IT firms


✔ Up to 1 Leadership Team Meeting per Month Attended by an Expert Consultant
and more…

But wait, there’s more… 😉 Of course, there’s more!

We didn’t want to leave you with over 200 MSP business processes and not a clue where to start! So our team has developed a series of guided learning courses that will lead you on the path to better process and more growth.

We’ll challenge you to be better than excellent and show you how. It won’t be long before your team starts noticing the results — and so will your clients.

“Eureka is working to help us define a process and understand how to integrate our tools into that process. Previously, we were using our PSA as a tactical tool without first determining the process flow. When we understand the need to develop the process, our roadblocks begin to naturally solve themselves and our PSA becomes a more powerful tool.”

John Buck

Integrate Precision Systems

Join the Eureka Community if you’re ready to…

  • Exponentially accelerate the growth of your business
  • Learn how to develop and implement proven processes
  • Take your team beyond the basics of documentation
  • hone MSP & IT business skills in expert-guided courses

Membership Information

You have selected the Premium Membership membership level.

Premium Membership $49.00/month

The price for membership is $49.00 per Month.

Do you have a discount code?

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Already have an account? Log in here

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Access to Experts

Engage with MSP leaders and peers in the forums

Monthly Consulting

Expert solutions to your business dilemmas.

Access All Content

Instant access to our library of over 200 templates.

When You Need It

Editable processes & documents available 24/7